Entrepreneur, Industrialist, Educationist

Enterpreneur, Educationist, and one of the pioneers of Islamic Finance across the globe.  Learn More


Zafar Sareshwala Open Talk at First Visit to Israel

By Friends of the Center - Published at Dangoor Center

During his first visit to Israel, Muslim Indian industrialist Sri Zafar Sareshwala, honorary chancellor of Maulana Azad National Urdu University, (MANUU), Hyderabad India which promotes technology education among Muslims, lectured at Bar-Ilan University on November 2017. Event hosted jointly by Adv. Anat Bernstein Reich, Chairperson of Israel-Asia chamber of Commerce and the Dangoor Centre. [Read More...]

Modi is de-polarising Figure in Gujarat

By Zafar Y. Sareshwala - As published in News 18

In the 2012 assembly elections 31% Muslims voted for BJP. Before this election, numerous Muslims have won on BJP ticket at all levels - Zila Parishad, Municipal Corporation and Panchayat. Salaya is on the western coast. Once upon a time, this area was famous for smuggling. It was one of the most neglected areas as far as economic and infrastructure development is concerned. It had no electricity, no roads. Modi brought in an ambitious coastal development plan. In that area, there are a lot of Muslim villages. You can see for yourself that the development activity in the region which has Muslim dominated villages.   [Read More...]

Why Gujarati Muslims are with Modi?

By Zafar Y. Sareshwala - As published in News 18

Whenever would-be prime ministerial candidates of the country for the 2014 elections is being discussed, it cannot be complete without mentioning Narendra Modi, who is, by far, way ahead of any other person across the political spectrum. It is also equally important to make an intellectual analysis as to why Modi, who took charge of a communally surcharged state being a non-starter as a politician in 2002, has reached this level of popularity across the country where no other politician has been able to reach.[Read More...]

Zafar Sareshwala: The Muslim who bats for Modi

By Mohammed Wajihuddin - As published in Times of India

Bright prayer mats are the only thing that lend colour to Zafar Sareshwala’s otherwise spartan Mumbai home. Five times a day, Sareshwala — who is a member of the Tablighi Jamaat, a puritanical strand of Islam — lays these mats down for namaaz, and says prayer inspires the "important mission" he is called upon to perform — a spirited defence of Narendra Modi.
The 50-year-old bearded businessman has become a familiar face on TV news debates and is the go-to person for journalists looking for a byte from a rare breed — a Muslim supporter of the BJP’s prime ministerial candidate. [Read More...]   

MANUU - Zafar Sareshwala Appointed New Chancellor

By Admin - As published in Islamic Voice

Zafar Sareshwala, the Muslim businessman from Ahmedabad and a close confidant of Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been appointed the Chancellor of the Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad. [Read More...]   

Triple Talaq in One Sitting is Against Quran: Zafar Sareshwala

By Zafar Y. Sareshwala - As published in INDIA.Com

Giving ‘triple talaq’ in one sitting is against the principles of Quran, Zafar Sareshwala, a vocal supporter of Prime Minister Narendra Modi said today, adding that the issue as well as that of the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) can be resolved through dialogue. [Read More...]                         

Zafar Sareshwala Decries Communal Colour given to Markaz Gathering

By The Quint - As published in The Quint

“This is without malice... no ulterior motive. It’s pure misjudgment,” he said.A former chancellor of the Maulana Azad National Urdu University, businessman and social activist Zafar Sareshwala has condemned the "communal colour being given by certain sections of the media” to the Tablighi Jamaat gathering at Nizamuddin, which became a hotspot for the spread of the novel coronavirus.[Read More...] 

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Zafar Sareshwala @ 2021