Entrepreneur, Industrialist, Educationist

Enterpreneur, Educationist, and one of the pioneers of Islamic Finance across the globe.  Learn More


  1. HSBC Bank
  2. SJKB
  3. Hizmet Movement
  4. Deccan Herald
  5. News 18
  6. Republic World
  7. Deccan Chronical
  8. Bharata Bharti
  9. Moneylife
  10. Dangoor Center
  11. Times of India


Zafar Sareshwala writes columns and articles for publications such as First Post, The Print, Deccan Chronicle, Islamic Finance News - Malaysia etc.

Zafar writes on wide-ranging topics covering Business, Islamic finance, Education, Politics and Public policy.

Zafar's most recent articles are highlighted on this page, click on the links on left to read other articles and columns by Zafar.

Zakat and its Economic impact on Society

By Zafar Y. Sareshwala - Speech at HSBC Bank

This is the Speech I had delivered several years ago at the #HSBC Bank at their Centre in #Preston #UK ! “The Institution of Zakat and its Economic Impact on Society. Spare some time and read it in fullThe Institution Of Zakat and its Economic Impact on Society   [Read More...]

The Institution of Zakat and its Economic impact on Society

By Zafar Y. Sareshwala - As published in SJKB

Zakat is-one of the most important aspects of the Islamic Economic System. Unfortunately for all of us Zakat which is one of the Five Pillars of Islam, has been reduced to just a ritual which we perform once a year. [Read More...]

Agitation and Confrontation doesn't get Muslims anywhere

By Zafar Y. Sareshwala - As published in Hismet Movement News

Zakat is-one of the most important aspects of the Islamic Economic System. Unfortunately for all of us Zakat which is one of the Five Pillars of Islam, has been reduced to just a ritual which we perform once Zafar Yunus Sareshwala, CEO of the Mumbai-based Parsoli Corporation Ltd. and a close associate of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, says it is important for the Muslims of the world, particularly Indian Muslims, to leave agitation and confrontation behind as miscommunication creates false impressions, resulting in their alienation and isolation. [Read More...]   

IMA Scam was due to investor's greed 

By Zafar Y. Sareshwala - As published in Deccan Herald

Zafar SareshwalaZafar Sareshwala, former chancellor of Maulana Azad National Urdu University, who currently runs Parsoli Corp Ltd, is an expert on Islamic banking and finance. “The IMA scam was due to greed, which is un-Islamic,” he tells DH’s Mrityunjay Bose in Mumbai. [Read More...]   

A Few Questions for Indian Muslims

By Zafar Y. Sareshwala - As published in News 18

When we make a statement about young India and say that 65 per cent of Indian voters are below the age of 35, it becomes imperative to know the aspirations of these youths. And the aspirations of any Muslim youth are no different from those of the others belonging to any other faith. India has the largest aspirational middle-class in the world and the Muslims are very much a part of this. Muslims have always been in the minority in this country, even during almost 1000 years of Muslim rule in India. [Read More...]   

When Congress realizes Muslims can dump them, BJP realizes Muslims can vote for them, The country will change

By Zafar Y. Sareshwala - As published in Republic World

Imagine, the Congress party has effectively been reduced to zero in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. In Bihar, Muslims moved away in hordes to the RJD and JD(U) as compared to a time when the Congress would get 80-90% Muslim votes. The same is true of UP, with the Samajwadi Party and the BSP. The BJP took advantage of this, with the Muslim vote being divided. [Read More...]   

Beef Eating not a virtue for Muslims

By Zafar Y. Sareshwala - As published in Deccan Chronical

You have to understand that there is a fundamental misconception among a major section of Hindus that eating beef is a virtue for Muslims. It is not. Islam has nowhere said you should eat beef. It is permissible to eat beef but it is not a virtue. You can eat mutton, fish or camel meat. It is not staple diet of Muslims. [Read More...]   

Beef Eating not a virtue for Muslims

By Zafar Y. Sareshwala - As published in Bharta Bharti

“When cows are slaughtered, all bones are taken away by gelatine manufacturers, blood by pharma industry and cosmetic industry and skin by leather industry. These industries are mainly owned by Hindus, who are engaged in mega exports of cow by-products. … But the law is quite strange. If you have beef in your house then you are a criminal. But if you are caught with hide, bones or blood of the cow then you are not.” [Read More...]   

Who is Zafar Sareshwala: Vice Chancellor of Urdu University?

By Monylife Digital Team - As published in Moneylife

“The Ministry of Human Resource Development has appointed Zafar Sareshwala, chief executive and managing director of Ahmedabad-based Parsoli Corp Ltd, as new Chancellor of Maulana Azad National Urdu University, a Central University established in 1998 to promote and develop the Urdu language. Sareshwala succeeds Syeda Saiyidain Hameed, the former Member of Planning Commission. There are two aspects of Sareshwala, one is his closeness with Prime Minister Narendra Modi and second, his tainted innings in the stock market.” [Read More...]                         

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Zafar Sareshwala @ 2021